Physiology Test Question And Answer
physiology test question and answer

It will agreed ease you to look guide anatomy and physiology coloring workbook answer key as you such as. Which of these is NOT required for life. 25 Questions Show answers. This quiz is incomplete To play this quiz, please finish editing it. Chapter 1 Anatomy and Physiology DRAFT.

What Is The Minimum Percentage Of Oxygen Required In The Atmosphere For The Survival Of Man?Question 3. Bonds are characterized by the sharing of.Question 2. 63) A kind of case study that describes the behavior and thought patterns of one person is: Answer: Ideographic study.Anatomy and Physiology Placement Exam 2 Practice with Answers at End General Chemical Principles. 62) The field of abnormal psychology is sometimes called: Answer: Psychopathology.

physiology test question and answer

Which Fluid Secreted By The Liver Aids Digestion?Veterinary and Health Care Interview Questions When Did Dentistry Become A Recognised Profession?Question 11. In adults, bone fuse together.Question 10.

Can You Name The Female Organ In Which A Baby Develops?Question 16. Can You Name The Horny Substance In Nails, Hair And Skin?Question 15. In 1989 there was reported to be 61,929 hospitalsQuestion 14. Which Country Has More Hospitals Than Any Other?China.

Why Did Doctors Apply Bloodsucking Leeches To Their Patients?In old times doctors believed that too much blood was a cause of disease.Question 21. Which Is The Bony Cage That Protects The Chest Organs?Question 20. What Is The Function Of Arteries?They carries blood from the heart around the baby.Question 19. Which Doctor Founded Psychoanalysis, A Treatment For Illness?Question 18.

Which Vitamin Helps The Blood To Clot?Question 27. How Heavy Is The Human Head?Question 26. Rupture Of The Blood Vessels And Bleeding Occurs Due To The Lack Of Which Vitamin?Question 25. Which Intestine Is Longer: The Small Intestine Or The Large Intestine?Question 24. How Many Muscles Does The Average Adult Use When Going For A Walk?Question 23.

The longest bone is the thigh bone femur and the smallest is the stirrup bone stapedius, one of the auditory ossicles in the middle ear.The heart is the muscular organ which collects and pumps blood around the body.The lungs are the factory in where the blood is purified with help of the oxygen present in the air we breath.Brain is the centre of the nervous system and co-ordinator of all the body’s conscious and unconscious activities. How Many Bones Are There In The Human Body?There are 206 bones in the human body. In Which Year Was The Syringe First Used To Inject Drugs Directly Into The Blood?1853, devised by Charles Piavaz in France.Question 29.

What Is The Hardest Substance In The Human Body?Tooth enamel is the hardest substance in the human body.Question 35. The Average Weight Of The New-born Child?Question 34. It contains a hundreds of millions of cells.Question 33.

The Gland Which Produces The Enzyme Parathormone?Question 40. Which Organ In The Body Produces The Largest Quantity Of Enzymes?Question 39. Which Substance Regulate Chemical Action In The Body?Question 38. Who Compared The Human Cell With The Factory?Question 37.

What Is The Function Of Spinal Cord?It carries the messages from the brain to various parts of the body.Question 47. Which Is The Largest Muscle In The Human Body?The largest muscle is the buttock muscle gluteus maximusQuestion 46. How Many Muscles Are There In The Human Body?Question 45. The Number Of Chromosomes In The Human Cells?Question 44. The Membrane Which Covers The Heart?Question 43. Who First Produce The Artificial Gene?Question 42.

The Chemical Produced In The Neuron?Question 55. The Liquid Present In The Membrane Covering The Heart?Question 54. The Thin Membrane Lining The Inside Of The Heart?Question 52. A Chemical Which Retards Heart Beats?Question 51. The Centre Inside The Heart Which Induces Heart Beats?Question 50. The Nervous System Which Controls The Functioning Of The Body At Sleep?Question 49.

It is between 70-72 beats per minute in men and 78-82 in women.Question 62. The Name Given To The Wave Motion Of Small Intestine?The microscopic, thread like part of a cell which carries hereditary information in the form of genes.This test is used before the sports events to determine sex.The pulse rate of a woman is slightly faster than of man. The Number Of Neurons In The Blood?Question 58. Which American Scientist Has Worked On The Functions Of The Vagus Nerve In The Heart?Question 57.

Superior vena cava, drains blood from the head, chest and arms. Which Are The Larges Veins In Th Human Body?The vena cavas. What Is The Principle Function Of Pile?Question 67. In What Forms Are Carbohydrates Stored In The Liver?Question 66. What Is The Major Component Of Bones And Teeth?To a patient suffering from kidney trouble.Question 65. It contains Haemoglobin which carries oxygen through the body.Question 63.

Which Harmone Helps The Conversion Of Sugar From The Food To Glucose?Question 71. What Is Needed By A Patient Suffering From Diabetes?Question 70. It regulates blood glucose level.Question 69. Which Part Of The Body Secretes Hormone Insulin?Islets of Langerhans.

Which Is The First Antibiotic?The first antibiotic medicine is the Penicillin invented by Alexander Fleming.Myopia is an eye defect in which the object closer to the eye can be seen properly but the objects distant can be seen properly.In astigmatism one cannot see with clarity, the horizontal and vertical lines simultaneously.Question 77. What Is The Difference Between An Antiseptic And An Antibiotic?The antiseptic stops the growth of germs and antibiotic destroys the germs completely.Question 74. What Is The Main Function Of The Small Intestine?The main function of the intestine is the absorption of the carbohydrate, fat and protein from food which has first been broken down in to molecules by the action of enzymes.Question 73. The sweat is composed of 99% water with a little sodium chloride.Question 72.

What Are Main Functions Of Bones?In addition to giving shape and firmness to the body, it protects vital organs such as the brain, the spinal cord, the heart, and the lungs.Question 80. Of What The Choroid Wall Of The Eye Is Made?It is made of blood vessels and pigmented cells.Question 79.

physiology test question and answer